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Cambridge NERC Doctoral Landscape Awards (Training Partnerships)

Graduate Research Opportunities

C-CLEAR Training Programme Summary

The C-CLEAR DTP trains students to become experts in their specialist fields and communicate the significance of their work in interdisciplinary settings. Students will gain field, laboratory, computational and modelling skills that can be applied to the acquisition and analysis of large, complex data sets and the transferable skills necessary to use their knowledge across a range of subsequent occupations and contexts.

Our training programme is led by a dedicated Training Facilitator who oversees a combination of cohort-based transferable, professional and specialised research training. Our programme runs alongside the wide range of training opportunities and multi-disciplinary events provided through the University, both centrally and at departmental level. Training is tailored to the individual through completion of a training needs assessment (TNA) each year. Students are expected to spend at least 10 days per year on training, leaving the majority of their time for research.

The training programme is comprised of the following key elements:

(1) A 2-day induction event, introducing the students to Cambridge, the DTP and each other, aiming to establish a strong student cohort from the outset.

(2) The Professional and Transferable Skills programme provides training that is explicitly targeted to meet the needs of environmental sciences, enabling our PhD students to complete their studies with the skills they need for their future careers.

(3) Our Specialist Research Skills programme directs individual students to appropriate specialist courses in Cambridge and elsewhere, aiming to build upon their existing expertise by delivering targeted training.

(4) Finally, all students are given the opportunity to take work placements of up to three months in industry, government or the voluntary sector.

Our regular eBulletin ensures students are well-informed about all the opportunities open to them by listing training under three main categories: (a) events organised by the DTP, (b) courses and events in Cambridge, including seminars and training courses, (c) events outside Cambridge, such as advance skills training made available by NERC and specialist courses by NERC research centres and other DTPs.

Supervisors are partners in our students’ academic development, providing opportunities to collaborate, to attend conferences and give presentations and contribute to training activities. Partner organisations are also closely involved in both developing and delivering a significant component of the C-CLEAR training programme.

C-CLEAR brings together students and researchers from different departments creating a cohort that is central to scientific exchange across Cambridge’s environmental science community.