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Cambridge NERC Doctoral Landscape Awards (Training Partnerships)

Graduate Research Opportunities

The C-CLEAR DTP is committed to promoting best practices for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in all that we do, from recruitment through to graduation, for our students, staff and supervisors. We are working with other groups across the University to monitor best practice and take advantage of the many opportunities within the University of Cambridge for sharing experience and expertise.

We recognise that different groups face different challenges in work and personal lives, and we seek to create an environment in which everyone’s needs are respected and supported. We expect all members of our community to promote and practice the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion. We recognise that diversity underpins excellence in all that we do as a DTP; and that by falling short in this area we do not only our students, but ourselves, a dis-service.


  • C-CLEAR encourages applications from underrepresented groups and is investigating options to ring-fence studentships for applicants from such groups.
  • We ask supervisors to ensure that projects are as inclusive as possible, and to use inclusive language when describing them. Language is rigorously checked at project review stage. 
  • We are participating with the University in a detailed assessment of the selection criteria for postgraduate study, which aims to enhance inclusivity in the admissions process.
  • We strongly encourage applicants from a full range of academic backgrounds and experiences.
  • We aim to support students’ needs within our admissions process.
  • We encourage potential applicants to ask questions, either to supervisors or to the DTP staff.
  • We organise a  “Meet the DTP” session online prior to the application deadline. This provides an opportunity for prospective applicants to ask questions about the application and interview process and to meet DTP staff and current DTP students in a friendly and relaxed forum.
  • We put prospective students in touch with current students on request.
  • We ask that selection panels seek to reflect diversity in their composition where possible, and undertake compulsory training on unconscious bias.
  • We advertise our studentships on a range of websites, and through universities that have diverse undergraduate cohorts.
  • We also plan to create demystifying blog posts and videos involving current students about the application process and what to expect.
  • Interview invitations are sent out in good time to allow applicants to prepare and clarify the process where they need to.

Student support

  • We recognise that all students have challenges from time to time, and seek to be proactive in supporting them. We have a dedicated DTP Welfare Lead, who is the first point of contact.
  • Cambridge Colleges and the University provide extensive support through the University Counselling Service, College tutors and the Disability Resource Centre. As a DTP, we ensure these are well signposted and help students to navigate the system.
  • We suggest that supervisors take advantage of training from the UCS and DRC to help them support students with particular conditions.


We encourage all our members, staff and students,  to undertake EDI training via the personal and professional development programme at the University of Cambridge. We particularly recommend “How to be an active bystander”, “Valuing diversity” and “Demonstrating mutual respect”.

Benchmarking our practice

We aim to develop new approaches to monitoring and evaluating EDI in postgraduate study. We are working closely with the University’s postgraduate widening participation advisor to establish best practice in this area. The purpose of monitoring is to enhance learning and enable the DTP to improve its approach iteratively, on the basis of feedback and interaction with students. We plan to collect feedback both from current students and from applicants. 

Useful links

Black Geographers

Black in Geoscience

Black British in STEM

Stand alone (support for estranged students)

Disabled in STEM

International Associate for Geoscience Diversity

Association for Women Geoscientists

Earth Science Women’s Network

Pride in STEM