C-CLEAR Bullying and Harassment Policy Statement
The C-CLEAR DTP believes that all students, supervisors and staff should be treated fairly and with respect. C-CLEAR is committed to providing a working environment, across our institutions and departments, that is safe, comfortable and free from all forms of bullying and harassment. C-CLEAR regards all forms of bullying and harassment as unacceptable. It is the responsibility of all of us, both staff and students, to assist in promoting an environment of mutual respect and consideration.
Bullying is any behaviour which makes someone feel intimidated, humiliated or offended, whether or not it is intended to do so. Harassment is bullying related to: sex or gender, age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership or pregnancy and maternity and is illegal. In particular, sexual harassment includes any unwanted sexual comments or jokes as well as unwanted physical contact.
C-CLEAR adopts a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying and harassment. Any supervisor, student, or other member of staff who is found to have harassed or bullied a colleague will be subject to disciplinary action, as administered through the University of Cambridge or our partner, the British Antarctic Survey. The C-CLEAR DTP will exclude individuals found to have harassed or bullied a colleague from participation in the DTP.
If you are the victim of bullying and harassment, or have any worries or concerns relating to this, there are a number of avenues open to you for support and to take action. Please do contact:
· The C-CLEAR DTP Welfare lead, Prof Alex Piotrowski (amp58@cam.ac.uk)
· Your college tutor and/or Welfare Team
· Your department postgraduate tutor and Safety and Welfare Officers (details will be given on the department or institution websites)
· The C-CLEAR DTP Director, Prof Alex Piotrowski (amp58@cam.ac.uk) and/or C-CLEAR Administrator Mrs Ruth Noble (dtp-admin@esc.cam.ac.uk)
If you would like an "off the record" chat, or wish to discuss a concern on behalf of someone else, do please get in contact with one of the above people, who will be more than happy to speak to you. Any member of staff approached with a report of bullying or harassment will treat your concerns with the utmost seriousness and will protect your anonymity.