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Cambridge NERC Doctoral Landscape Awards (Training Partnerships)

Postgraduate Research Opportunities


CREATES supervisors and their research areas

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Name Department Theme Summary NERC remit Keywords

Luke Abraham

*Priority CASE Research Area*

Department of Chemistry Climate and Environmental Science

Earth System Modelling, with a particular interest in atmospheric chemistry and the development of next generation atmospheric models.

Stratospheric processes, Tropospheric processes, Climate and climate change

Matthew Adeleye Department of Geography Biology and Conservation

Landscape and conservation palaeoecology

Palaeoenvironments, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Conservation ecology

David Al-Attar Department of Earth Sciences

Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Climate and Environmental Science

Theoretical and computational geophysics with applications to climate and the solid Earth.

Climate and climate change; Glacial and cryospheric systems; Mantle and core processes

Alex Archibald Department of Chemistry Climate and Environmental Science

The chemistry of the atmosphere and it’s interactions with the climate crisis

Climate and climate change, Atmospheric kinetics, Radiative processes and effects, Stratospheric processes, Tropospheric processes, Biogeochemical cycles

Neil Arnold

Scott Polar Research Institute

Department of Geography

Climate and Environmental Science

Glaciologist with a particular interest in the interactions between ice dynamics, water and climate.

Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science, Planetary surfaces and geology

Robert Asher Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Comparative anatomy and evolution of vertebrates, particularly mammals.

Paleobiology, Paleoenvironments, Systematics and taxonomy, Population genetics and evolution

Madelaine Bartlett Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

The evolution of plant development

Systematics and taxonomy, Population genetics and evolution, Environmental physiology

Thomas Bauska British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Carbon cycle dynamics and climate change from ice core gases

Climate and climate change, Quaternary science, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Land-atmosphere interactions

Emma Boland British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Polar Oceanography with an interest in machine learning and advanced modelling techniques

Climate and climate change, Ocean circulation, Environmental informatics

Oscar Branson Department of Earth Sciences

Biology and Conservation

Climate and Environmental Science

Shells, oceans and carbon.

Climate and climate change, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Biogeochemical cycles, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Environmental informatics, Technology for environmental applications

Alexander Brearley British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Polar physical oceanography with a focus on observations.

Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Ocean circulation

Nick Butterfield Department of Earth Sciences Biology and Conservation

I have broad interests in the field of evolutionary palaeobiology.

Paleobiology, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Paleoenvironments, Behavioural ecology, Systematics and taxonomy, Environmental microbiology, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Planetary surfaces and geology, Biogeochemical cycles, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use.

Laura Cimoli Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) Climate and Environmental Science

Physical oceanographer, with a focus on the global-scale ocean circulation and its transport of heat and carbon

Ocean circulation, Climate and climate change, Ocean-atmosphere interactions

Erik Clark Department of Genetics Biology and Conservation

Arthropod evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo).

Population genetics and evolution.

Matthew Collins Department of Archaeology Biology and Conservation

Persistence of proteins in ancient samples and how and why they degrade

Paleobiology, Paleoenvironments, Regional weather and extreme events, Quaternary science

Alex Copley Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Earthquakes, tectonics, and the geological evolution of the continents, using a combination of observational and modelling techniques

Tectonic processes, Geohazards, Earth resources, Physics and chemistry of earth materials

Sanne Cottaar Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Uncovering the heterogeneity, flow, and boundaries in the deep Earth using seismology

Mantle and core processes, Physics and chemistry of earth materials

Nik Cunniffe Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

Epidemiological modelling of spread, detection, evolution and control of plant pests and pathogens.

Population ecology; Environmental informatics; Environmental microbiology

Neil Davies Department of Earth Sciences

Biology and Conservation

Climate and Environmental Science

Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Sedimentary geology and palaeoenvironments, with an emphasis on deep time co-evolution of life and Earth surface processes and landforms.

Paleobiology, Paleoenvironments, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Planetary surfaces and geology, Earth surface processes

Lynn Dicks Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Wildlife conservation in agricultural landscapes, with emphasis on farming system transitions and ecosystem services provided by mobile arthropods

Community ecology, Conservation ecology, Population ecology, Ecotoxicology, Survey and monitoring, Technology for environmental applications

Marie Edmonds Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Volcanologist and igneous petrologist with broad interests in hazards, volatiles, environmental impacts and ore deposits.

Paleoenvironments, Geohazards, Volcanic processes, Survey and monitoring

David Edwards Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

Tropical forest ecology and conservation, with an emphasis on understanding the impacts of logging, restoration, and wildlife trade on biodiversity

Climate and climate change, Community ecology, Conservation ecology, Population ecology, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use

Ben Evans British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Icebergs as critical components of coupled ice sheet – ocean – climate systems

Climate and climate change, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Ocean circulation, Environmental informatics, Survey and monitoring, Technology for environmental applications

Walter Federle Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Biomechanics, ecology and evolution of insect-plant interactions

Climate and climate change, Behavioural ecology, Environmental physiology

Daniel Field Department of Earth Sciences Biology and Conservation

Vertebrate palaeontologist and evolutionary biologist investigating macroevolutionary transitions and the origins of major vertebrate groups, with a focus on birds

Paleobiology, Paleoenvironments,  Systematics and taxonomy, Population genetics and evolution
Robert Fletcher Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Conservation biology with an emphasis on wildlife ecology and landscape conservation

Conservation ecology, Population ecology, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Environmental informatics

Markus Frey British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Cloud interactions and climate impacts of aerosol from sea ice and polar oceans.

Boundary layer meteorology, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Tropospheric processes, Water in the atmosphere, Climate and climate change

Andrew Friend Department of Geography Climate and Environmental Science

The role of terrestrial processes in the climate system with an emphasis on vegetation and the global carbon cycle.

Environmental physiology, Land-atmosphere interactions, Biogeochemical cycles, Earth surface processes, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Climate and climate change

Sally Gibson Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Evolution of our planet and the interaction of deep Earth and surface systems.

Earth resources, Mantle and core processes, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes.

Chiara Giorio Department of Chemistry Climate and Environmental Science

Atmospheric aerosol formation and composition in the present and in the past.

Land-atmosphere interactions, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Tropospheric processes, Climate and climate change, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use

Beverley Glover Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

I am interested in the evolution and development of flowers and the features they have that attract pollinating animals.

Behavioural ecology, Systematics and taxonomy, Population genetics and evolution

Adriano Gualandi Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Extreme events in geophysics using data, theory, and numerical models.

Geohazards, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Hydrological processes, Land-atmosphere interactions, Land-ocean interactions, Physics and chemistry of Earth materials, Regional weather and extreme events, Survey and monitoring, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes

Elizabeth Harper Department of Earth Sciences

Biology and Conservation

I use the biological palaeontological record of invertebrates, such as molluscs and brachiopods, to understand both their evolution and to explore the adaptations to their environments

Ecology, Biodiversity, Systematics

Richard Harrison Department of Earth Sciences

Climate and Environmental Science

Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Experimental and computational approaches to study of the properties and behaviour of magnetic nanoparticles in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments

Paleoenvironments, Environment and Health, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Planetary surfaces and geology, Pollution, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental informatics, Survey and monitoring, Technology for environmental applications

Jason Head Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Vertebrate palaeontology and herpetology with emphasis on tropical faunal change in relation to climate through time.

Paleobiology, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Conservation ecology, Systematics and taxonomy, Quaternary science, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use
Ian Henderson Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

How does somatic evolution in long-lived oak trees facilitate environmental adaptation.

Climate and climate change, Population ecology, Population genetics and evolution

James Herbert-Read Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Animal behaviour and its causes and consequences – integrating sensory ecology, predator-prey interactions, and social behaviour.

Behavioural Ecology

David Hodell Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

Geochemist who studies Earth’s past climate using marine and lake sediment cores and speleothems.

Science-based archaeology, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Biogeochemical cycles, Ocean circulation, Earth surface processes

Marian Holness Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Microstructural controls on the physical and chemical processes which occur during solidification of magma

Earth resources, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Volcanic processes

Jack Humby

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Climate and Environmental Science

Development of ice core analytical methods and proxies for palaeoclimate and climate change research.

Climate and climate change, Palaeoenvironments, Quaternary science, Glacial and cryospheric systems

Guy Jacobs Department of Archaeology Biology and Conservation

Evolutionary genetics of people and microbiomes

Population genetics and evolution; behavioural ecology; science-based archaeology; environment and health

Chris Jiggins Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

The genomic study of insect evolution and diversification

Population Genetics and Evolution, Environmental genomics

Alastair Key Department of Archaeology Biology and Conservation

Palaeolithic archaeology and human origins, with interests in biomechanical and mechanical experiments, modelling, fieldwork, and morphometric investigations of artefacts.

Archaeology, Science-Based Archaeology, Paleobiology, Behavioural Ecology, Quaternary Science

Rebecca Kilner Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Evolutionary biologist, particularly interested in how social behaviour is adaptive and how adaptive social behaviour contributes to further evolution

Community ecology, Population ecology, Population genetics and evolution

Johannes Kromdijk Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

Physiology of photosynthesis and its interactions with environmental drivers such as light, water, temperature and CO₂

Plant & crop science, Environmental physiology

Christine Lane Department of Geography Climate and Environmental Science

Tephrochronologist studying Quaternary environmental change and explosive volcanism.

Quaternary science, Paleoenvironments, Science-based archaeology, Volcanic processes, Geohazards

Sergei Lebedev Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Seismology, geophysics, global and regional seismic tomography. Dynamics and evolution of the lithosphere and underlying mantle. Seismic thermography. Earthquakes and seismic hazard, origins of intraplate volcanism and geothermal energy resources.

Mantle and core processes, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes, Earth resources, Geohazards

Adria LeBoeuf Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

The evolution and impacts of socially transferred materials

Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Behavioural ecology, Community ecology, Population genetics and evolution, Environment and Health, Environmental physiology

Adrien Lefauve Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) Climate and Environmental Science

Environmental fluid dynamics with a focus on turbulent mixing and its implications for coastal oceanography

Climate and climate change, Pollution, Ocean circulation, Water quality

Emily Lines Department of Geography Biology and Conservation

Forest ecology, remote sensing and environmental data science.

Climate and climate change, Community ecology, Population ecology, Environment and Health, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Environmental informatics, Survey and monitoring, Technology for environmental applications

Alex Liu Department of Earth Sciences Biology and Conservation

The Neoproterozoic–Cambrian origin and early evolution of animals, and the interaction of animals with the Earth System.

Paleobiology, Paleoenvironments, Behavioural ecology, Community ecology, Systematics and taxonomy, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Biogeochemical cycles, Earth surface processes

Marc Macias-Fauria

Scott Polar Research Institute

Department of Geography

Biology and Conservation

Coupling between the biotic and abiotic components of the Earth System, with a focus on cold regions, and over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.

Land-atmosphere interactions, Climate and climate change, Regional weather and extreme events, Behavioural ecology, Community ecology, Conservation ecology, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science, Biogeochemical cycles, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Soil science, Survey and monitoring, Technology for environmental applications

John Maclennan Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Magmatic processes, quantitative approaches to igneous petrology.

Volcanic Processes, Tectonic Processes, Mantle and core processes

Andrea Manica Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Understanding the response of animals to past environmental change.

Population genetics and evolution, population biology, Climate and climate change

Ali Mashayek Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science Climate dynamics, physical and biochemical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, climate interventions, data-driven methods (HPC, AI, data assimilation)

Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport, Climate and climate change, Regional weather and extreme events, Earth Engineering, Geohazards, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Mantle and core processes, Quaternary science, Tectonic processes, Biogeochemical cycles, Land-ocean interactions, Ocean circulation, Earth surface processes, Technology for environmental applications

Alison McLaren

Department of Geography

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Climate and Environmental Science

The hydrological cycle over polar regions

Climate and climate change, Water in the atmosphere, Glacial and cryospheric systems

Andrew Meijers

Department of Earth Sciences

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Climate and Environmental Science

Southern Ocean circulation and properties, and their impact on the Antarctic and global climate.

Climate and climate change, Ocean circulation, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Glacial and cryospheric systems

Christine Miller

Department of Zoology

Department of Plant Sciences

Biology and Conservation

The evolutionary interplay between animal behaviour and morphology, with particular interest in sexual selection

Climate and climate change, Behavioural ecology, Conservation ecology, Environmental physiology

Alison Ming Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) Climate and Environmental Science

Atmospheric dynamicist interested in understanding mechanisms.

Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport, Radiative processes and effects, Stratospheric processes, Climate and climate change

Emily Mitchell Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Role of ecological processes on evolution through deep-time, from the first animal communities of the Ediacaran to the present.

Paleobiology, community ecology, marine ecology.

David Munday

Department of Earth Sciences

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Climate and Environmental Science

Ocean circulation and ocean carbon storage with an emphasis on the Southern Ocean and long-term climate change from the Eocene to present day

Ocean circulation, Biogeochemical cycles, Paleoenvironments

Francesco Muschitiello Department of Geography Climate and Environmental Science

Rapid climate change and ocean dynamics: past, present and future

Climate and Climate Change; Quaternary science; Glacial and cryosphere systems; Arctic; Antarctic; Oceanography

Tamsin O'Connell Department of Archaeology Biology and Conservation

Isotopic Ecology and Archaeology

Science-based archaeology, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Behavioural ecology, Community ecology, Population ecology, Quaternary science, Biogeochemical cycles

Clive Oppenheimer Department of Geography Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

I am interested in all aspects of volcanology

Science-based archaeology, Tropospheric processes, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Regional weather and extreme events, Environment and Health, Geohazards, Quaternary science, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Volcanic processes, Survey and monitoring, Technology for environmental applications

Andrew Orr British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

The processes responsible for climate change and variability in the Antarctic, Arctic and Himalayan region.

Climate and climate change, Boundary layer meteorology, Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport, Stratospheric processes, Tropospheric processes, Regional weather and extreme events.

Matthew Osman Department of Geography Climate and Environmental Science

Combining climate proxies, observations, and models to refine future climate projections.

Climate and climate change, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science, Ocean-atmosphere interactions

Adam Pellegrini Department of Plant Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

Ecosystem ecology, global change and carbon cycling.

Climate and climate change, Biogeochemical cycles, Ecosystem-scale processes and land use, Soil science
Cameron Petrie Department of Archaeology Biology and Conservation

Landscape archaeologist with interests in palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, hydrology, settlement archaeology, material culture analysis and absolute dating.

Archaeology, Science-based archaeology, Climate and climate change, Palaeoenvironments, Regional weather and extreme events, Geosciences, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Earth surface processes

Richard Phillips British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Biology and Conservation

The ecology, life history and conservation of seabirds

Regional weather and extreme events, Behavioural ecology, Community ecology, Conservation ecology, Population ecology, Ecotoxicology, Pollution

Alex Piotrowski Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science Past changes in ocean circulation and climate using geochemical proxies.

Climate and climate change, Ocean Circulation, Palaeoenvironments, Quaternary science, Glacial and cryospheric systems

Emma Pomeroy Department of Archaeology

Biology and Conservation

Biological anthropologist specialising in palaeoanthropology and human osteology with interests in the evolutionary biology and palaeoecology of Neanderthals and modern humans.

Paleobiology, Science-based archaeology

Nicholas Rawlinson Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Seismic imaging of the Earth’s interior, volcano seismology and earthquake hazard, with applications in Iceland and southeast Asia

Geohazards, Earth resources, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes

Rachael Rhodes Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

How Earth’s climate and greenhouses gases changed in the past, using polar ice cores.

Climate and climate change, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science

Emilie Ringe Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

Sunlight-driven carbon dioxide reduction to solar fuels.

Climate and climate change, Physics and chemistry of earth materials

John Rudge Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Geodynamicist with broad interests in mantle and magma dynamics, theoretical geophysics and geochemistry.

Mantle and core processes, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Volcanic processes

Emília Santos Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

Understanding the mechanisms underlying the evolution of organismal diversity (eco-evo-devo) using East African cichlid fishes as a model system

Climate and climate change, Population genetics and evolution, Environmental Genomics

Aylwyn Scally Department of Genetics Biology and Conservation

Human evolutionary genetics and ancestry.

Population genetics and evolution, Paleobiology, Environmental genomics

Nicole Shibley

Department of Earth Sciences

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)

Climate and Environmental Science

Fluid physics of climate, environmental, and planetary systems, especially ice-covered and polar regions

Climate and climate change; Glacial and cryospheric systems; Planetary Surfaces and Geology; Ocean Circulation; Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions

Oliver Shorttle Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Planetary geochemistry, how the mantle, atmosphere, and oceans of Earth co-evolve

Mantle and core processes, Physics and chemistry of Earth materials, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Volcanic processes, Paleoenvironments, Planetary surfaces and geology

Louise Sime

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Climate and Environmental Science

Earth system dynamics during current and past warm climates.

Land-atmosphere interactions, Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Water in the atmosphere, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Glacial and cryospheric systems

Luke Skinner Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

Past climate and carbon cycle change; using proxy data and numerical methods to understand the Earth System.

Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Regional weather and extreme events, Science-based archaeology

Lydia Smith Department of Plant Sciences Biology and Conservation

Crop Plant – Soil microbial Ecology; with broad interests in soil health improvements through plant soil interactions and rotational choices

Climate and climate change, Community Ecology, Ecosystem scale processes and land use, Soil Science, Environmental physiology

Dieter Tetzner British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Antarctic ice cores, using records preserved in Antarctic ice to reconstruct past environmental changes

Land-atmosphere interactions, Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport, Stratospheric processes, Tropospheric processes, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Quaternary science, Volcanic processes, Earth surface processes

Liz Thomas British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Reconstructing past climate and environmental change over decadal to millennial time scales using chemical, isotopic and particulate material from ice cores.

Land-atmosphere interactions, Large scale atmospheric dynamics and transport, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Stratospheric processes, Tropospheric processes, Climate and climate change, Paleoenvironments, Regional weather and extreme events, Quaternary science, Volcanic processes, Pollution, Land-ocean interactions, Ocean circulation

Edward Tipper Department of Earth Sciences

Climate and Environmental Science

Isotope geochemist with an interest in the terrestrial carbon cycle, Earth surface processes, chemical weathering and enhanced chemical weathering.

Hydrogeology, Hydrological processes, Quaternary science, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Pollution, Biogeochemical cycles, Land-ocean interactions, Earth surface processes, Soil science, Water quality, Survey and monitoring

Nicholas Tosca Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Geochemist and mineralogist broadly interested in the relationships between natural fluids, minerals, and environmental conditions.

Paleoenvironments, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Sediments and sedimentary processes, Planetary surfaces and geology, Biogeochemical cycles, Earth surface processes, Water quality

Alexandra (Sasha) Turchyn Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

I use isotope geochemistry to understand the carbon cycle and other biogeochemical cycles.

Hydrogeology, Biogeochemical Cycles, Earth surface processes, Paleoenvironments, Environmental microbiology

Edgar Turner Department of Zoology Biology and Conservation

How human-dominated landscapes can be managed for biodiversity, and associated ecosystem processes, with a particular focus on insects.

Climate and climate change, Regional weather and extreme events, Behavioural ecology, Conservation ecology, Earth surface processes, Survey and monitoring

Maximillian Van Wyk de Vries

Department of Earth Sciences

Department of Geography

Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Hazard, risk, and disaster research with a particular focus on multihazard and the impact of human activity on hazards.

Climate and climate change, Environment and Health, Geohazards, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes, Environmental informatics, Survey and monitoring

David Wallis Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Mechanics and microstructures of deforming rocks to decipher the microphysical controls on geodynamic processes.

Geohazards, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Mantle and core processes, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes, Planetary surfaces and geology

Alexander Weide Department of Archaeology Biology and Conservation

Environmental Archaeology with a focus on past agro-ecology and the development of agricultural systems

Paleobiology, Science-based archaeology, Paleoenvironments, Community ecology

Owen Weller Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Metamorphic petrologist with broad interests spanning from the evolution of plate tectonics to the formation of critical metal deposits essential to the green transition.

Earth resources, Physics and chemistry of earth materials, Tectonic processes, Volcanic processes

Nicky White Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Investigating how mantle convection influences Earth’s surface and palaeoclimate.

Tectonic processes, Mantle and core processes, Paleoenvironments

Helen Williams Department of Earth Sciences Solid Earth and Natural Hazards

Isotope geochemist and planetary scientist. Interests in the chemistry of planetary mantles, interactions between Earth’s mantle, surface and atmosphere, formation of ‘critical metal’ ore deposits, subglacial weathering processes and the export of metal nutrients to the deep ocean

Climate and climate change, Earth resources, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Mantle and core processes, Planetary surfaces and geology, Earth surface processes

Ian Willis

Scott Polar Research Institute

Department of Geography

Climate and Environmental Science

Glaciology, with particular emphasis on climate, hydrology, and dynamics of glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets, and their changes through time.

Land-atmosphere interactions, Ocean-atmosphere interactions, Climate and climate change, Regional weather and extreme events, Glacial and cryospheric systems, Hydrological processes, Land-ocean interactions, Earth surface processes, Survey and monitoring

Andy Woods Department of Earth Sciences Climate and Environmental Science

Geothermal power; thermal batteries in the ground; aquifer thermal energy storage; hydrogen storage in aquifers; carbon storage ; mixing of potable reservoirs with bubble plumes; gravity currents; particle laden flows ; plastic dispersal in the ocean

Earth Engineering, Hydrology, Sediments and transport, Volcanic processes, Hazards, Ocean mixing

Xin Yang British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Climate and Environmental Science

Constraining the climate impact of a newly identified polar aerosol source using the UK Earth System Model

Boundary layer meteorology, tropospheric processes, Climate and climate change

Xu Zhang

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Climate and Environmental Science

Climatologist and numerical modeler with broad interests in abrupt climate changes and earth system dynamics.

Abrupt climate change, Tipping points, Atlantic meridional overturn circulation, Antarctic, Arctic, Artificial intelligence and machine learning, Earth System – ice sheet modelling, Quaternary science

Jenny Zhang Department of Chemistry Biology and Conservation

Developing wholistic methodologies for studying the microbial-material/environment interactions, particularly in the contexts of coral bleaching, photosynthesis and biofouling.

Environmental microbiology, Environmental physiology, Biogeochemical cycles, Environmental Biotechnology