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Cambridge NERC Doctoral Landscape Awards (Training Partnerships)

Postgraduate Research Opportunities


Applications for NERC-funded Research Experience Placements (REPs) 2024 

REPs funding supports paid summer placements for undergraduate students to carry out research projects within the scope of the environmental sciences. These placements are intended to encourage students to consider a career in this field, and undergraduates from any science discipline are eligible. The scheme is designed to address both thematic skills gaps (e.g. quantitative skills) as well as demographic and diversity-related challenges in the environmental sciences.

The duration of REPs will be a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of ten weeks over the summer holiday period (mid-July to September). Some projects have the ability to be carried out remotely, as noted in the project description.

REPs recipients are paid as employees, with the level of remuneration equal to the National minimum wage (for those 20 and under) or the National Living Wage (for those 21 and over) and will enter into a Workers Agreement with the host department of the University. There are no further funds available for relocation or living expenses and students must be resident in the UK during the placement. Successful students and supervisors will be required to complete a report on the outcome of the placement.

All REPs recipients will be have a NERC DTP PhD student mentor.

Students successfully completing a REP will be automatically entitled to a studentship interview if they subsequently apply to the new DLA.


Eligibility criteria:

Students must meet all of the eligibility requirements listed below to apply for a REP:

  • Be undertaking their first undergraduate degree studies (or integrated Masters). Note: students in their final year who have graduated and no longer have student status at the time the placement starts are not eligible. If the student meets the eligibility criteria (i.e., has student status) at the beginning of the placement, we would consider the eligibility criteria to be met even if the student graduates during the course of the placement.
  • Be eligible for subsequent NERC PhD funding, and have the right to work in the UK (for example an international student currently studying in the UK with a Tier 4 or equivalent visa that is valid for the duration of the REP).
  • Students from outside the UK who do not already have right to work in the UK, should not apply.


In order to be considered for a placement, please apply to, sending:

  1. Single sheet giving: (a) full Name, (b) email, (c) home address, (d) nationality including confirmation of right to work in UK, (e) current academic course and expected graduation date, (f) project(s) (REPS projects 2024 | Cambridge NERC Doctoral Training Partnerships)  for which you wish to apply; if more than one is indicated please list these in priority order
  2. CV (no more than 2 pages).
  3. Brief covering letter giving motivation for application (no more than one page)
  4. One academic reference (no more than one page) emailed to by the closing date
  5. Complete the online EDI form (this form is a mandatory part of the application process, but contains ‘prefer not to say’ options for all questions asked). The form will be viewed by DLA management only and will not be forwarded to supervisors
  6. The closing date for applications is Friday 4th May 2025