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Cambridge NERC Doctoral Landscape Awards (Training Partnerships)

Postgraduate Research Opportunities

Sunlight-driven carbon dioxide reduction to solar fuels.


Research Area

My group researches how metallic nanoparticles, in particular of earth-abundant magnesium, can act as light antennas and provide energy for chemical reactions. Specifically, some metal nanoparticles can sustain electronic, light-driven resonances called localised surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). We are interested in using these LSPRs to enhance light, especially sunlight, absorption and utilisation, towards sustainable photoreactions.

While most of our work is fundamental, such as the development of controlled synthesis of metallic magnesium nanoparticles, we are increasingly exploring commercialisation avenues for our photocatalysts, and are exploring scaled-up reactor designs.


Project Interests

Our interests are broad, and the student could work on a project ranging from synthesis to catalysis, or more on the engineering end if interested.


Climate and climate change
Physics and chemistry of earth materials