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Cambridge NERC Doctoral Landscape Awards (Training Partnerships)

Postgraduate Research Opportunities

Human evolutionary genetics and ancestry.


Research Area

I study the genetics of humans and other primates, with a view to understanding the key events of the evolutionary past, and the diversity and ancestry of populations and individuals. This research involves computational and mathematical models of genome evolution, using whole genome sequence data from population-scale datasets, and also a rapidly growing quantity of archeogenetic evidence for ancient and historical populations. 


Project Interests

Genetic models typically consider abstract populations with no spatial aspect, but real populations and species evolve on landscapes in two (or even three) dimensions. This adds a considerable degree of complexity, but the effects of spatial dynamics on demography and evolution can now be explored using powerful new computational simulation methods. These devlopments provide an opportunity to investigate demographic, social and cultural factors in ancient populations in these regions. Moreover, the methods and approaches developed will have broader application to other species as similar evidence becomes available for them.

Population genetics and evolution
Environmental genomics